Friday, September 10, 2010

Orphelinat Jardin d'Eden (OJED) Garden of Eden Orphenage

Please join us to assist 50 children at Orphelinat Jardin d'Eden (OJED) Garden of Eden Orphenage in Haiti. They need food, shelter, and other basic necessities, etc.
Contact information:
Haiti: Carlos Germain, Tel: 50936863876
Jean Jonas, Tel: 50934094339
Address: 4 Ruelle Pierre a l'interieur, Lilavois 41, La Plaine, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, (W.I)

U.S.A. contact:
Marcaisse Dangervil
Tel: 9733938098

Orphelinat Jardin d'Eden (OJED) Garden of Eden Orphenage

If you are or know someone who is currently assisting orphans in Haiti, please talk about Orphelinat Jardin d'Eden (OJED) Garden of Eden Orphenage which currently has 50 children.
Contact information:
Haiti: Carlos Germain
Tel: 50936863876
Jean Jonas
Tel: 50934094339
U.S.A. Marcaisse Dangervil
Tel: 9733938098

Friday, June 18, 2010

Jardin Fleuri de Nancy after the earthquake

It serves as a reminder of the devastation caused by the earthquake, and a constant reminder of the hundred thousands of lives that were lost in this country Haiti such as....a child who was at school in Jardin Fleuri Ecole Mixte de Nancy. We will continue to pray God to comfort her parents, and we still have a child who are injured in the earthquake, and still comes to school with crotches.

Haiti Jardin d’Enfants

Haiti Jardin d’Enfants
Jardin Fleuri Ecole Mixte de Nancy. # 4 Imp. Francine, Angle Delmas 33 & Ave Mais Gate, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, (W.I). Haiti Tel : 01150934045976, U.S.A. 9733938098, e-mail :
Website :

Haiti Kindergarten

Haiti Kindergarten
Jardin Fleuri Ecole Mixte de Nancy. # 4 Imp. Francine, Angle Delmas 33 & Ave Mais Gate, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, (W.I). Haiti Tel : 01150934045976, U.S.A. 9733938098, e-mail :
Website :

Ecole en Haiti

Ecole en Haiti
Jardin Fleuri Ecole Mixte de Nancy. # 4 Imp. Francine, Angle Delmas 33 & Ave Mais Gate, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, (W.I). Haiti Tel : 01150934045976, U.S.A. 9733938098, e-mail :
Website :

Haiti Ecole

Haiti Ecole
Jardin Fleuri Ecole Mixte de Nancy. # 4 Imp. Francine, Angle Delmas 33 & Ave Mais Gate, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, (W.I). Haiti Tel : 01150934045976, U.S.A. 9733938098, e-mail :
Website :